Morning Mood Boosters
Waking up in the morning, thinking about so many things … Here at Ramstein Air Base ( in Germany), I’ve lost count of how many weeks we’ve been in lockdown. We are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, but the past few months have been rough!
What are you doing to stay motivated this month?
Here are some of the ways I’ve been trying to break that groundhog day cycle and stay positive while we hold out for freedom.
Set that alarm!
This one is honestly the most difficult one for me, but also the most rewarding. I used to be a total morning person. Hop out of bed, get that coffee, and plan out the whole day. Now that we’re in an endless Groundhog day scenario, it’s so much harder. I’ve really tried to enjoy an hour of silence in the morning before starting another day.
Write down your thoughts
I got these gorgeous Journals from Rifle Paper Co. and they’ve been giving me an outlet every morning. Not only does it help get feelings down on paper, but it will also be nice to look back on in years to come. This set comes with enough to last 5 years, which for me, made it worth the price tag.
Read a book or listen to a podcast
My Goodreads challenge last year was abysmal. This year, I’ve started reading or listening to a podcast instead of doom-scrolling in the mornings. It’s been so nice to read again and start the day off on a positive note. My TBR list still isn’t getting any smaller though. If you need some good book recommendations, check out the Bookstagram of my instafriend Laura at Little Island Takara.
Get out of those pjs!
While staying in pj’s all day is definitely more fun, it does nothing to help my mental state. Even if I’m not leaving, putting on a real outfit and some mascara instantly lifts my mood. I finally hopped aboard the Stitch Fix train and it has made me so excited to get dressed again, and gives me something to look forward to every month! I also had slowly realized that I was wearing all grey and black all the time and it was just bringing my mood down. I’m not hating on all-black outfits, they’re great, but I needed some color in my life to bring me back to life.
Drink Water
This is one that you probably hear all the time. Well, there’s a reason for that! I’m usually a straight to the coffee maker kind of girl, but I’ve started making sure that water is the first thing to hit my body every morning. And no, the coffee water doesn’t count! I make sure to leave a bottle of water on my bedside table each night so that in the morning it’s already there for me. The main reason I started doing this is that I’m TERRIBLE at drinking water throughout the day. This way, I at least get some in there before hitting the Keurig.
Bonus tip! Listen to Music
I created a morning playlist on Spotify that helps wake me up and get excited for the day.
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any tips on how you’re staying sane during this pandemic, I’d love to hear them!