Mantra Monday ✦ Motivation for Mompreneurs & Boss Ladies
Happy Monday guys! This past week has been a DOOZY. Those of you stationed on Okinawa with me, know what I’m talking about. Typhoon Trami just ripped through our little island and has created so much devastation. We didn’t have internet for a couple of days, and hundreds of thousands of people still don’t have power. The entire situation is terrible. To top it off, my kids haven’t been in school since Thursday, and we have another typhoon headed our way later this week.
My business life got put on hold over the weekend as I couldn’t check on anything without the internet. I’ve been so anxious and ready to get back to work so I’m sharing a story and some motivation from over the summer when my biz life also got put on hold.
Have you ever been in a total business rut and just felt lost and unmotivated? That was me a couple of months ago. My boys had been out of school for a couple of months and my business was STRUGGLING.
I was unmotivated and barely spending any time working on my biz. My stats were in the toilet, sales were few and far between, and I was spiraling into an anxiety hole. My husband sat me down and talked to me about needing to "do the work"( A fav sayings from the podcast of the Boss ladies over at Being Boss). I realized I was expecting everything to stay the same, even if I wasn't putting in any work.
In August, I started building my biz again. I put in hours upon hours of work. I started blogging again, and using Pinterest on a daily basis, and making sure that I was checking in everyday, even if I didn't have time to sit and create. The results started to show. In the past 2 months, our Pinterest has gone from 200K views to over 500K monthly. Our sales are almost back to normal, and as a boss lady, I feel confident in my business again.
The biggest change I made was making sure I was setting aside time for myself. Because my kids were home all the time, I had major mom guilt if I left them to fend for themselves for too long. I had to learn to find a balance. Play with them first, and then work for an hour. Make sure we had story time and outdoor time in between answering emails. It’s ok if you only get part of a project done, it’s ok if you get 10 projects done. As long as you are doing something that makes you feel good at the end of the day.
The more time I spent working on my business, the more I re-discovered how much I LOVE what I do. I had started to think about shutting down, and finding a “real” job. After a month of putting a little love back into my biz, I realized I was just being silly.
I’ve been working hard on a ton of new party themes, and putting together blogs of all our past parties, and can’t wait to share it all! Follow along on our NEW instagram page, we’d love to hear from you!